the Pitcairn Museum of Contemporary Art

Maze de Boer

Contemporary view

Maze de Boer his work often stems from the historical background, social context of the location or the theme of the exhibition. De Boer’s installations are called site-specific, but he himself sees them as site-responsive. Although the installation originates in a specific location, De Boer aims to create an autonomous work that also retains its power in a different (new) location.

De Boer creates his artworks from a conceptual perspective, but the result is always visually appealing, playful and accessible. They become, as it were, conceptual attractions. We tend to supplement the visible image with images we know. In de Boer’s work he tries to make the viewer aware of this unconscious habit of filling in missing details.

The exhibition at Pitcairn Museum shows the museum breaking the fourth wall. The “fourth wall” is a concept in theater, film, and literature that represents an imaginary barrier between the fictional world of the story and the audience. Breaking the fourth wall occurs when a character in a play, movie, or book acknowledges the audience’s presence or directly addresses them, blurring the line between fiction and reality. In the work Contemporary view the spectators can only imagine what the artwork looks like. Solely the exhibition space is witness of curious viewers outside the museum. The imagined representations of ourselves in our surroundings are triggered by the work. The actual painting isn’t shown but it exhibits a space with specific limitations and endless possibilities.

Maze de Boer is born in Amsterdam (1976) and studied at the Gerrit Rietveld Academy and the Rijksakademie van Beeldende Kunsten/Dutch Ministry of Education, Culture and Science.As a multidisciplinary artist, de Boer works with sculpture, installation, painting, film/video, photography and music/sound in more than one hundred and fifty solo and group exhibitions in museums, galleries, biennales, public spaces and festivals around the world. As a scenographer, he made more than fifty set/ light/ video designs on location and for theaters in the Netherlands, China, Germany and Belgium. As a board member, curator, jury member, teacher and designer, he participated in numerous cultural institutions, events, exhibitions and academies (BA and MA).

Contemporary View,  South Wing Museum PITCAIRN.
From the many facetes of Groningen the South wing zooms in on this specific location. In the 17th century, the southern part of Groningen’s city canals was filled and became known as Gedempte Zuiderdiep. After numerous transformations, the street has acquired its present purpose, with Museum Pitcairn standing out as a noteworthy place for contemplation. The South Wing of Museum Pitcairn showcases the work of Maze de Boer, offering a personal perspective on Gedempte Zuiderdiep. Static yet in constant motion, the works of Contemporary   View invite you to reconsider Groningen and reflect on what this time brings us. In addition to iconic images of Groningen from the 17th century when Gedempte Zuiderdiep was still a canal, the dynamic contemporary of the cityscape is mirrored.


Gedempte Zuiderdiep 132

9711 HM



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