the Pitcairn Museum of Contemporary Art

Hedwich Rooks

Prosepective Sludge

Every year the PMCA invites one recent graduate of the Minerva Art Academy in Groningen, in 2021 this is Hedwich Rooks. She received her bachelor Fine Art in 2020. At the PMCA, Hedwich Rooks shows digitally formed objects, such as illustrations transformed into objects using a laser cutter in mirror-plexiglass. In addition, we see a plastic 3D print of a Whale sound amidst sea clay in which naturally created crack or drying patterns have been created.
The sound comes from a Whale of which only the sound fragments were recorded. However, the physical whale has never been detected. Humans and most Marine Animals cannot hear their high frequency but from now on they can see it, looming from Frisian wadden sea clay.
Bringing both elements together in this exhibition shows how closely connected they actually are. Geological awareness is sharpened by the millions of years old silt that changes daily and the digital impact of today that determines the geology of the future. Precisely because the PMCA is a museum on scale, the artist hopes that the visitor can imagine actually walking among the cracked clay and smelling the sea air.

Hedwich Rooks (Grou, 1995) Lives in the Hague. Education: Academie Minerva, bachelor Autonome Beeldende Kunst, 2020. Current Education: Ecology Futures aan de Master Institute of Visual Cultures, St. Joost Den Bosch. Selected Exhibitions: 2020 ‘GUP New Talent 2021’, Kahmann Gallery Amsterdam, 2020 ‘Misplaced’, Open Space Tokyo, 2020 ‘Buiten Westen #2, Kunstenvereniging Diepenheim, 2020.
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